Offers & Deals

Seagot special and secure Packages


Honeymoon Package

Wayanad is one of the best monsoon destinations in India, especially for honeymoon couples. June to September is the best time to visit Kerala for Ayurvedic therapies and spa. So if you want physical, mental and spiritual boost during the monsoon, then head to Kerala.
Stay at Seagot Banasura Resort. Honeymoon Special Drink - Candle Light Dinner - Flower Bed - Honeymoon Special Cake - Mini Bar - Fruit Basket


Monsoon Special Package

Monsoon in Kerala especially in Wayanad offers you an eternal feel of happiness, refreshment and rejuvenation for the whole body, mind and soul. You can touch the magical greens and tinkling raindrops from your own balcony and feel one with nature.
Stay at Seagot Banasura Resort. Chukku Kappi (Dry Ginger Coffee) - Rain Coats - Mini Bar - Fruit Basket


Ayurveda & Spa Package

Ayurveda is a renowned and trusted treatment dating back to the beginning of time and has ever since has improved the lives of individuals of various ages. Several people from all over India and around the world come here for beauty Spa & Ayurveda treatments.
Stay at Seagot Banasura Resort. Chukku Kappi (Dry Ginger Coffee) - Oushada Kanji (Medicinal Porridge) on demand - Normal Menu Available